ATTS – Active Transfer Torque System

The Active Torque Transfer System (ATTS) is basically Honda’s example of a Limited Slip Differential (LSD), since is also used to transfer as much as 80% of the engine torque to the outside driving wheel. By using information gathered from multiple sensors, including yaw rate, steering angle and lateral acceleration, ATTS can transfer torque to […]

ATC – Active Tilt Control

The Active Tilt Control is a technology used by some SUVs belonging to brands from the Ford Motor Company. Like other similar systems, ATC is used primarily for controlling body lean while the vehicle is cornering. A mounted accelerometer gives a lateral acceleration signal to a control module, which in turn directs pressure from pumps […]

ASSYST – Active Service System

Engines are equipped with a microcomputer that monitors the aging of the motor oil via data transmitted by sensors and calculates an individualized maintenance plan for the engine. A digital indicator in the cockpit notifies the driver of the number of kilometers remaining before the next maintenance check. All engines fitted in newer Mercedes’ are […]

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